Outcall Massages
When you desire a massage, there are options as to where to receive one. Opting for an outcall massage allows you to stay in your hotel room rather than find transportation to a spa in the area. You also have the option for services massage parlors do not offer. With an outcall massage, you bask in the knowledge that no one will know your business unless you decide to share that information with them. Privacy is of the utmost concern. Here are some of our most requested massage types to read about to help you select what type of session would work best for your situation.
Nude Massage
A nude massage is exactly that…a massage given with no clothing in sight. Not only will you strip down bare to receive the touches your massage therapist gives to you, but she also removes her own clothing to make the experience one you are not soon to forget. Allow yourself to be pampered by one of our gorgeous women, and take in the beauty of her voluptuous body as she moves over your own. This type of massage is not only relaxing, but it allows you to fantasize while receiving touches you’ll want to go on and on.
NURU Massage
A NURU massage is much like a nude one, only there is an added feature to get your heart racing. A special NURU gel is used to add a slick coating to your body before your massage therapist gets down to business. After the application of this gel, your massage artist uses her own body over yours to perform her moves. The gel adds a layer of sheen which gives her the ability to glide back and forth, up and down, over your body. This is an exhilarating experience that you must try if you have never had a NURU massage in the past.
Couples Massage
If you have a loved one that you want to share a massage experience with, select a couples massage with one or more of our talented massage therapists. You’ll enjoy watching and hearing your significant other as they relax and get their muscles kneaded in all the right places. Then, it is your turn. If you decide to hire two massage artists, you’ll both strip down and have sessions in tandem. This is a great way to rekindle romance in your relationship, as you’ll have an intimate experience that no one else can duplicate. In addition, you’ll learn just what makes your loved one excited, allowing you to take on the role of massage therapist when you get back to your own private place for a recap.
Erotic Massage
Like a nude massage, an erotic massage involves both parties being completely unclothed. This type of massage however is usually done with slower movements, which allow the recipient to fantasize about what portion of the body is to be touched next. Eroticism goes hand in hand with role-playing as well. Sit back, relax, and let your massage artist tempt you with her sexy body. She’ll slowly unclothe and use the power of her fingertips to tease your erogenous zones. From there, the massage can continue with a slow beat or speed up with vigorous movements. This is completely up to you and your masseuse and depends on what type of experience you desire. Talk it over with your massage artist or let her surprise you!
Asian Massage
Many people know that many massage therapists of Asian descent have professional moves that provide relaxation and satiation. If you enjoy the appearance of beautiful Asian women, and you need a massage, hiring one of our Asian beauties can lead you to a session full of fun and satisfaction. We have several Asian massage therapists to select from. Simply check out the profile section on our web page and book a date with one of our escorts for an Asian massage experience.
Tantric Massage
Tantra uses the power of suggestion along with routine massage movements. This is an emotionally inspiring type of massage, as it gives you the opportunity for closeness with your massage therapist with eroticism and nudity as well. With a tantric massage, your massage artist will touch your body in key areas, but avoid other areas purposely. She will also use slow, methodical movements rather than fast ones. As your body relaxes, hone in on your feelings and release your inhibitions. Depending on your responses to your escort’s advances, the massage will take its direction.
ASMR Massage
An ASMR (autonomous sensory meridian response) massage involves actions that cause a tingling sensation in the body when they are performed. This goosebump feeling happens when a repetitive task involves the senses. For example, with an ASMR massage, your escort may tempt your senses with whispers in your ear as she massages your body. Light taps to your body or touches along erogenous zones can also provide this sensation as you are being massaged.